Office Gear & Supplies

Things around the office to make your more comfortable and productive.

Herman Miller Embody Office Chair

This chair is very expensive but here’s a few reasons why I’m still happy that I bought it:

  • 12 Year Manufacture Warranty – This manufacturer is known as a high end supplier, has been around for a long time, and the warranty for this chair shows it’s intended to last a long time. I’ve had mine for almost 10 years now and it’s pretty much in the same condition as when I bought it.
  • High quality construction / materials – This chair is solidly built
  • Comfort / adjustable – Adjust-ability on this chair has been pretty good and the flex that the “spine” design of the back of the chair offers is very comfortable and supportive of your back. They claim there’s data around this chair having a health positive effect on your back.
  • Arm height on this chair adjusts up and down so I can have the arms low enough to allow me to scoot close enough to my desk that the arms are under my keyboard shelf and not bumping into it.

Here’s a link to the brochure for this chair:

There is a corresponding “envelop” desk and foot rest to give you the optimal seating and recline position. I do not have this but if you want the full effects of this chair it would probably be a worthy investment.