Jobs-to-be-Done (JTBD)

Jobs-to-be-Done is a powerful mindset for product development. As I continue to develop my expertise on jobs-to-be-done, I’m curating this list of resources. I hope you find it useful to jumpstart your knowledge on the topic.

Reach out to me if you have suggestions to add to this page or if you just want to talk about JTBD. Applying these concepts to product thinking and decision making is something that energizes me, if it energizes you too then it would be fun to connect and chat more.

Note: Book or product links on this page may be affiliate links for which I may make a small commission. Thank you for your support.

My interview with Bob Moesta on SEP’s Behind the Product Podcast

Bob Moesta’s Books

These books by Bob Moesta will build your skills as an innovator, product manager, and salesman. All of Bob’s work is excellent but these are approachable to people new to Bob and JTBD ideas. They will give you a compact intro to get your started, then you can use the other resources on this page to dive in further.

Learning to Build: The 5 Bedrock Skills of Innovators and Entrepreneurs

If you want to improve your overall skillset for innovation
this book will give you the mental model that you need to build your skills. This book goes way beyond JTBD. Jobs is just one tool. If you know about JTBD and want to multiply your impact you should pick up this book.

– I’d recommend flipping to the Conclusion and reading the first page or two about the jobs the book is targeting. It will help frame your thinking on what job matches you while you read.
– When I talked to Bob about the book he mentioned that he spent a lot of time on the visuals in the book. Give yourself time to study them, they aren’t just pretty pictures, they add to and expand on the meaning of the text.

Demand-Side Sales 101: Stop Selling and Help Your Customers Make Progress

This book leans heavier on Jobs and the Switch methods but is framed in a sales context. One of the core ideas of this book is that sales is helping people and to help them you need to understand their story. Jobs helps you build that narrative and gives you skills to reveal root causes.

Jobs-to-be-Done The Handbook
by Chris Spiek & Bob Moesta

This is a very short book that is more focused on the tactical of running switch interviews.

Books on Jobs-to-be-Done

The Mom Test: How to talk to customers & learn if your business is a good idea when everyone is lying to you
by Rob Fitzpatrick

If you are new to JTBD this is the book I’d recommend starting with to get your mind in the right starting point and getting started with tactics you can apply immediately.

While this book is not directly about JTBD, a critical part of using JTBD for building products is knowing how to talk to people to uncover demand and understand what has caused them to have a need or to take action.

This book is very short and excellent for teaching you how to ask good questions that help you dig for causality. A few ideas from this book align to the core to the JTBD mindset: 1. Ask about the past instead of the future and 2. Ask for story and context removed from your own agenda.

Competing Against Luck : The Story of Innovation and Customer Choice
by Clayton M. Christensen, David S. Duncan, Karen Dillon and Taddy Hall

Intercom on Jobs-to-be-Done
by Intercom

Jobs to be Done: Theory to Practice
by Anthony (Tony) Ulwick


The Explainer: Marketing Myopia
Theodore Levitt’s classic theory — in under two minutes. For more, read “Marketing Myopia.”

Understanding the Job (The Milkshake Story)

Bob Moesta and Chris Spiek – Uncovering the Jobs to Be Done

Summit 2105: Chris Spiek
Chris Spiek @ Industry 2015
These two talks are very similar. The Industry 2015 talk has a few extra slides at the end, one good one related to mapping the energy of the story.

Episode 1: Feature requests aren’t demand

Eric White & Alan Klement “Designing for Prosthetic Gods” | UXRiga 2017

Clayton Christensen – Decentralization is disruptive and hard to catch – Business of Software 2011


Competing Against Luck – Clayton Christensen, Karen Dillon and Taddy Hall

Des Traynor, Intercom at Business of Software Conference 2013 – Product Strategy is About Saying No

Bob Moesta

Entrepreneurship Educators Forum: Primary Market Research
Bob’s talk starts at around the 54 minute mark

Customer Job Metrics
Alan Klement

Mega Wednesday – 005 – JTBD with Alan Klement

Mega Wednesday – 006 – Jobs to be Done

Alan Klement – Evaluating a JTBD vs Evaluating a product for that JTBD.

JTBD for freelancers with Alan Klement
Summary on

Practical Service Design Webinar: Intro to Jobs to Be Done with Jim Kalbach

Jobs to be Done: from Doubter to Believer by Sian Townsend at Front 2016 in Salt Lake City, Utah

Jobs to be Done: from Doubter to Believer by Sian Townsend at Front 2016 in Salt Lake City

Sian Townsend’s talk “Jobs To Be Done – From Doubter to Believer” at UX London 2017

If you build it, will they come? by David Oldham at Front 2016 in Salt Lake City, Utah
Talks about JTBD around 21 minutes in

Inventing with jobs to be done – Jillian Wells at UX Brighton 2016
Slides: Jobs to Be Done JTBD – Jillian Wells

The Jobs To Be Done Framework Used By Intercom, Pipedrive & Basecamp To Create Irresistible Products

How To Use The Jobs To Be Done Framework To Create Irresistible Products

Jobs to be done intro & screening – Can we find our job?
(This link is for a multiple video playlist on JTBD interviews at Basecamp)

Matt Hodges on Marketing the Job to be Done

“An Introduction to Modern Product Discovery” by Teresa Torres
Article: Why This Opportunity Solution Tree is Changing the Way Product Teams Work

Outcome Driven Innovation (“ODI)

Podcasts Dedicated to JTBD

The Circuit Breaker Podcast
by Bob Moesta and Greg Engle

Jobs-to-be-Done Radio
by The Re-Wired Group (Bob Moesta, Chris Spiek, Ervin Fowlkes)

Demand Thinking
New perspectives for designers and product managers
by Ryan Singer and Chris Spiek
Demand Thinking YouTube Channel

Jobs-to-be-Done in 5
by Alan Klement and Eric White

Podcast Episodes with JTBD as the Topic

The Critical Path Radio Show

HBR IdeaCast

Full Stack Radio

Inside Intercom

This is Product Management

Yours Productly

TEI 057: Applying the Jobs-to-be-Done Framework – with Chris Spiek

StratChat Webinar: Testing Before Building Is The Key To Success
by Anthony Ulwick and Alex Osterwalder, June 8th 2017
Related article on

Ep.22: Jobs to be Done – An Important Product Management Framework by Product Popcorn – Product Management Podcast

Published / Print Articles

Note, some articles listed here may not have online links

Marketing Myopia
by Theodore Levitt
Harvard Business Review – July-August 2004 (Reprint of 1960 article)
Marketing Myopia – Short Explainer Video

Know Your Customers’ “Jobs to Be Done”
by Clayton M. Christensen, Taddy Hall, Karen Dillon, David S. Duncan
Harvard Business Review – September 2016

Marketing Malpractice: The Cause and the Cure
by Clayton M. Christensen, Scott Cook, Taddy Hall
Harvard Business Review – December 2005

Eager Sellers and Stony Buyers: Understanding the Psychology of New-Product Adoption
by John T. Gourville
Harvard Business Review – June 2006

Finding the Right Job for Your Product
CASE STUDY by Clayton M. Christensen, Scott D. Anthony, Gerald Berstell, Denise Nitterhouse

Clay Christensen’s Milkshake Marketing
by Carmel Nobel

and by contrast…

Customer Segmentation Is Soured by Milkshake Marketing
by Tony Ulwick

Turn Customer Input Into Innovation
By Anthony Ulwick
Harvard Business Review – January 2002

Prescription for Health Care Cost Reform
by Anthony W. Ulwick, Clayton M. Christensen, Jerome H. Grossman
Harvard Business Review – March 2003

Do You Really Know What Your Customers Are Trying to Get Done?
by Anthony W. Ulwick
Harvard Business Review – March 2003

Lost in Translation
by Anthony W. Ulwick
Harvard Business Review – May 2004

Giving Customers a Fair Hearing
By Lance A. Bettencourt and Anthony W. Ulwick
MIT Sloan Management Review – Spring 2008

The Customer Centered Innovation Map
Harvard Business Review – May 2008

Can Bricks and Mortar Compete with On-line Retailing
ODI Case Study
By Tony Ulwick, Founder of Strategyn.and Frank Grillo, Chief Marketing Officer of Harte Hanks

Other Resource Lists or JTBD Topic Collections
Learn how Customer Jobs (Jobs to be Done) can help you become great at creating and selling products that people will buy
(this site is authored and curated by Alan Klement)

Other Book Lists

Resources That Influence Jobs to be Done and Customer Jobs Theory: Go deeper down the rabbit hole
by Alan Klement (This is Alan’s list of books that have influenced his thinking in JTBD, it’s not a list specifically of JTBD books)